Fundraising is vital to the success of the East Central Community College Theta Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Your contributions and participation in our fundraising campaign are greatly appreciated. Together, we can ensure our members have the resources necessary to fund campus and community projects, travel to regional and international conventions, and have their academic achievements celebrated on campus. 

Please use the online donation form below to make your contribution. One-time donations may be made, or you can select the recurring donation option allowing donations on a monthly or annual basis.

With your support and participation, we will achieve our goal to be one of the top Phi Theta Kappa chapters in the nation! 

You can help by making your online tax-deductible contribution using the form below. Please indicate which student you are supporting in the memo line.  

For additional information, contact Theta Xi advisor Dr. Amanda Walton at or 601-635-6228.